Monday, December 3, 2012

3 Elements of A Good Marketing Video

With so many websites trying to navigate the vast recesses of the Internet, the average business has to compete with heavy hitters in marketing. Think about it for a moment, if you're a plumber you have to somehow get into the public's eye with advertising of all types, and the company that is the most innovative in their approach, will make serious money. One of the premier ways to stand out in any field is to make sure to find a company that can create a good marketing video for promotional use. Unlike other forms of advertising, video marketing creates an aura that is hard to emulate, even in these modern times. By utilizing the popularity of video today, a steady stream of potential clients will arrive within no time.

Identifying your wants and needs within the realm of video promotions is going to be difficult. The average small business won't know how to navigate what elements they need and what will work best for them. That's where a professional company can come in and make things really shine. Consider the following 3 elements of a good promotional video and you'll know what to look into to promote your business, no matter how small or large it might be.

Music - Music selection is key, and sound design can really sell your ideas to others. Do not under any circumstances neglect to have some sort of musical element in your design, as it will help bridge the gap between information and call to action.

Voiceovers - The second element that you need in a good marketing video is none other than a good voiceover. Every commercial you see on television and beyond has some form of voiceover work, and the better quality you have, the higher the odds of converting new customers you'll have as well.

Graphics - One last element that you'll need to have a great video for promotional consideration of any type of business is high quality graphic design. You might not always pay attention to them, but the best videos in the world contain graphic design that flows well with the sounds and acting you might see in a commercial.

The above 3 elements are required to make a promotional video shine. Companies that film, edit, and create advertising for the Internet and beyond continually have the above elements working hand in hand. Always ask any company or designer you plan on working with how they plan to implement the 3 things above in your video and you'll be amazed at how marketing can truly raise awareness for any major brand and company today.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   

Online Video Advertising - Four Steps To Effective Video Ads

Online video advertising has surfaced to be the top choice among companies searching for the most effective marketing tool. Contrary to what most people believe, it is the cheapest and easiest method to promote one's business. Listed in this article are a few action steps you could follow.

Take Videography Classes

Business owners who are unfamiliar with filming processes should enroll in related classes. In here they will learn the basics like lighting, panning, sound recording and editing. There are a number of online classes or seminars conducted by professionals that you can participate in.

Have A Clear Target

Now that your are educated and ready to jump on the online video advertising bandwagon, you must start with identifying your audience. Certainly, these promotional materials should be appealing to a specific group of people. As the ad creator or owner, you have to choose target viewers. They could be women belonging to specific age bracket, university students or a particular family member. Know the type of information they will need and which approaches would be enticing to them.

Design Your Video

It is unwise to create your film on the spot without any blueprint. Create your script. Keep in mind to fully develop your main concept into full details as you write your script lines. How you express your ideas will actually depend on the message that you want to convey. Perhaps, you want to present your products and services as the solution to the problems of your target viewers. Then, you must make use of convincing statements that would eradicate their second thoughts on subscribing to your brand.

Any video advertisement must be engaging enough to catch the full attention of its viewers once it starts to play. If you fail on this one, expect that your masterpiece would not be watched at all. And so, include images and visual effects that are eye-catchy yet relevant to your message. Additionally, use professionally written text and pleasant-sounding audio. Again, they must be relevant to your message.

Broadcast It

Where you post your promotional vids, can affect its viewership. It would be wise to post them in networks like YouTube and Viddler besides embedding them in your business website. These sites already have a great number of followers. They can be key in your endeavor to reach your desired demographic. Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can work for your advantage too. With their billions of members worldwide, getting in touch with your target market would be as easy as pie.

Take time to find ways that can maximize the use of online video advertising and it will be an effective and economical marketing strategy for your brand. If you think you do not have enough skills on this, let a video production company handle everything for you. Their services may cost higher than producing vids on your own. However, you can be assured of the quality they promise. Moreover, they can integrate some SEO tactics that will make ads highly visible over the internet.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   

Effectiveness of Web Video

In an age when the consumer has thousands of options available to them a mere click away, is the traditional website with pages and pages of text obsolete? Embedded video that is instantly eye catching, descriptive, informative and personal is a far more effective selling tool than a protracted written approach. With such a large percentage of consumers researching on the internet prior to making a purchase the title page of a website has to catch and hold their attention instantly or the possible sale will be lost as the costumer moves on to the next site.

Video engages the consumer through both visual and audio senses, a recent study by the University of Western Ontario has shown that if a person reads information on a website they will remember 10% of that information after 72 hours however if that information is provided for them through video that retention goes up to 68%. A huge and easily achievable increase that any company would be foolish not to make the most of.

It is also more direct and unavoidable; if a video is on the front page of a website then the viewers attention will be captured and they will be engaged far more than they would by straight text. Keeping videos short and simple with a clear message that accurately describes your product is one of the most cost effective and successful ways of increasing business growth and securing new customers. When looking at a new website, potential customers will typically only investigate further if their attention is grabbed by something that stands out from the countless other websites out there.

Web video is rapidly becoming the future of selling over the internet, in a day when attention spans are dropping and a world of information can be beamed into your pocket via a smart phone nearly anywhere on the planet, it is critical that you are selling your product in the most effective way possible. Your website needs to be smart phone friendly as this is a rapidly expanding sector with more and more people opting to use their phones to purchase items. If information is not readily available to them via your website on their phone then you could be losing customers. With so much growth in the sector having a video that can be viewed on a smart phone is essential to getting the most out of your website.

Having web videos will also aid in your businesses SEO rankings, where you feature on Google, being on the first page of a possible customers search will greatly increase the chances that they even look at your website and once there the is the possibility of a sale. The personal element involved with making a video for SME's is also vital in the increase of sales, it brings the exchange to a personal level immediately, using the old adage that people sell to people then initiating first contact with a new consumer, face to face before you've met them is an advantage you can have over your competitors.

With a video an individual feels that they have been communicated to on a more personal level, they are therefore more likely to champion your brand. Once this ball so to speak has started rolling then the viral effect can propel your product rapidly. The most successful websites are those which get free marketing form there users such as Facebook and twitter. Millions of links are sent every day referencing this websites promoting them at no cost to them. What could be better than free marketing? And while reaching the levels of Facebook and twitter may be a dream there is no reason why using the same methods and getting internet users to do the leg work for you can't happen. It's easier than you think.

YouTube is one of the fastest growing online communities with over 48 hours of video being uploaded every minute and while a large part of this is music there is a rapidly expanding sector of marketing videos. Don't let your competition get a head start on you when it's so easy to do.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   

Using An Enterprise Video Platform To Advertise Your Business Online

One of the major reasons why people go online is to watch videos. As a result, video hosting and sharing sites are really popular today, with a lot of products and people gaining worldwide popularity from videos of them. This popularity and interest in online streamed videos makes them a very effective marketing tool as well. Something to consider for your online business is using an enterprise video platform to advertise and market your company.

For businesses however, you should use not just any online video hosting site. When it comes to businesses and marketing, high quality videos with fast streaming and reliability is a must, and most public hosting sites just cannot offer this. In order for your online website to have embedded videos that are fast and reliable, it is best to find a high quality enterprise video platform for your webpage.

But why should you choose an enterprise video platform over popular public video sites. There are many reasons why you should not just settle for the popular video sharing and streaming sites available on the net today. Sure they are free, but an enterprise video platform gives you a lot more functionality and advantages which will be very helpful in improving your business, making such a platform much worth the investment.

For starters, you usually get more bandwidth from business oriented platforms. This allows you to use high quality videos with a high-resolution and clear audio without having to worry about slow load times or degrading of your material. This feature should allow your video's viewers to easily enjoy and understand the content, which is crucial to the success of your ad or marketing campaign.

Most public video sharing websites use a flash-based player. While this is fast and reliable, it is not well supported by devices other than your computer. Enterprise video platforms however, give you access to a HTML 5 video player. This player is also fast and stable, and can support a range of video and audio formats. It's biggest advantage is that it is easily supported by many devices, even most smartphones and tablets. This potentially gives you a wider audience for whatever video you are trying to promote.

Another great feature of an enterprise video platform is that you can optimize it for use with your own company's or business' network. Using such a platform, along with a managed network will speed up the delivery of a video from the server to your network and to a consumer's computer or mobile device.

This means that an individual can see the video in a very short time without stuttering or unnecessary buffering. This is crucial, as when it comes to marketing and advertising, every second that a potential client spends watching your material can decide if he or she likes what you are offering or not.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   The Six Steps to Start Making Online Video   

Creative Video Creation Techniques Part 1

These posts will be a series that will discuss various techniques for making creative videos. Most of the methodologies are based on the SIT technique.

Videos are created to be seen. That's why we try and come up with funny, moving, exciting, interesting videos. If your video is not engaging people simply will move onto something else. However, it can take hours of brainstorming and bouncing ideas off of one another to get even a halfway decent idea. Is there an easier way to come up with creative video ideas?

Instead of trying to come up with creative ideas in a bubble, it is often easier to use a framework for what you are trying to do. The framework that will be expanded on today is the "Absurd Alternative".

The first thing you need to do is define your products message. After that, choose a benefit your product brings to the table. Next, figure out alternative ways you could attain that benefit. Finally, choose an alternative that is absurd.

A good example of how this is done is the following campaign by Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff.

Garnier's dandruff shampoo is obviously meant to treat or cure dandruff. Garnier then came up with a list of other ways to "treat" dandruff and came up with having a monkey eating your dandruff would be absurd and funny.

Another example of this Framework is this Tami 4 ad (in Hebrew). Tami 4 is a company that sells water coolers for both homes and businesses. One of the benefits of having the system is that you don't have to lug home a six pack of water. In these ads, you can see they are trying to come up with an absurd alternatives to carrying the water.

They came up with shooting water from a cannon into their house, attaching water to the ceiling of their house so they wouldn't have to lift jugs (This commercial is also meant to set them apart from other water systems that require jugs) and in a 3rd commercial the customer comes up with a "Unmanned Air Vehicle" for lifting the water jugs up to his apartment

As you can see, Tami 4 kept this framework throughout their entire advertising campaign to help drive home their point about the convenience of their system. The beauty of the "absurd alternative" framework is its fairly easy to implement even for low budget videos. Simply figure out what your company does, figure out a silly way to attain the same goal and presto! You are video ready!

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   

Online Videos Are Important to Your Business

There are numerous reasons to use online videos in your business. Besides the obvious reason that everyone else is doing it, you have to find the answer to why it is important for you to have an online video.

Introduce You to Your Customers Online videos can let viewers see who you are and what you have to offer, whether it is a product or service. They also allow current customers to get to know you better and develop a deeper loyalty to your brand or company.

You can demonstrate your expertise in the services you provide through video. By using client testimonials, you can prove your credibility. If your service addresses a universal issue, you can show how you meet the needs of people who are affected.

Expand Your Customer Base Through the internet, more people can meet you than you will ever reach with other media. You can gain customers from around the world who would never know about your company without the internet.

Online videos can also dispel any false ideas about your company. People may see what you do or what you sell as being designed for a particular type of person, but a video can prove that it fits a wider range. For instance, if you sell a clothing line, people may assume your clothes are for young adults. Through a video, they will see that you have clothes for all age ranges.

Personalize Your Message A video allows you to interact with your customers so that they see a face and not just a name. Even though your video can be seen by thousands of people, it can have an intimate, personal feel.

What people see in a video will last in their minds long after they have stopped watching it. If it was particularly appealing or moving, they will talk to others about it. What you read only uses one sense, whereas a video engages two or more senses, meaning you will retain the information longer.

A video can personalize your company and cause you to be seen as funny, inspiring, reliable, or whatever feeling you want people to have in connection with your product. People buy products or use services based on how they feel about it and a video can help you get that across.

Video puts you on a level playing field with bigger corporations. With television advertising, the companies with the biggest marketing budget have the advantage. They can spend thousands of dollars on a thirty-second spot that will be seen by millions of viewers.

Small businesses can create memorable online videos for a reasonable price. Even amateur videos have seen a million hits because of a unique message or unusual appeal.

Videos can be watched on the computer, the mobile phone, and other mobile devices, which mean they will be seen more often than someone sitting down to watch television or read. Since people fast forward through commercials more often in today's busy world, there are fewer people being influenced by TV ads. There are many reasons to use online videos to promote your business; you have to find the ones that work for you.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   

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