Monday, December 3, 2012

3 Elements of A Good Marketing Video

With so many websites trying to navigate the vast recesses of the Internet, the average business has to compete with heavy hitters in marketing. Think about it for a moment, if you're a plumber you have to somehow get into the public's eye with advertising of all types, and the company that is the most innovative in their approach, will make serious money. One of the premier ways to stand out in any field is to make sure to find a company that can create a good marketing video for promotional use. Unlike other forms of advertising, video marketing creates an aura that is hard to emulate, even in these modern times. By utilizing the popularity of video today, a steady stream of potential clients will arrive within no time.

Identifying your wants and needs within the realm of video promotions is going to be difficult. The average small business won't know how to navigate what elements they need and what will work best for them. That's where a professional company can come in and make things really shine. Consider the following 3 elements of a good promotional video and you'll know what to look into to promote your business, no matter how small or large it might be.

Music - Music selection is key, and sound design can really sell your ideas to others. Do not under any circumstances neglect to have some sort of musical element in your design, as it will help bridge the gap between information and call to action.

Voiceovers - The second element that you need in a good marketing video is none other than a good voiceover. Every commercial you see on television and beyond has some form of voiceover work, and the better quality you have, the higher the odds of converting new customers you'll have as well.

Graphics - One last element that you'll need to have a great video for promotional consideration of any type of business is high quality graphic design. You might not always pay attention to them, but the best videos in the world contain graphic design that flows well with the sounds and acting you might see in a commercial.

The above 3 elements are required to make a promotional video shine. Companies that film, edit, and create advertising for the Internet and beyond continually have the above elements working hand in hand. Always ask any company or designer you plan on working with how they plan to implement the 3 things above in your video and you'll be amazed at how marketing can truly raise awareness for any major brand and company today.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   

Online Video Advertising - Four Steps To Effective Video Ads

Online video advertising has surfaced to be the top choice among companies searching for the most effective marketing tool. Contrary to what most people believe, it is the cheapest and easiest method to promote one's business. Listed in this article are a few action steps you could follow.

Take Videography Classes

Business owners who are unfamiliar with filming processes should enroll in related classes. In here they will learn the basics like lighting, panning, sound recording and editing. There are a number of online classes or seminars conducted by professionals that you can participate in.

Have A Clear Target

Now that your are educated and ready to jump on the online video advertising bandwagon, you must start with identifying your audience. Certainly, these promotional materials should be appealing to a specific group of people. As the ad creator or owner, you have to choose target viewers. They could be women belonging to specific age bracket, university students or a particular family member. Know the type of information they will need and which approaches would be enticing to them.

Design Your Video

It is unwise to create your film on the spot without any blueprint. Create your script. Keep in mind to fully develop your main concept into full details as you write your script lines. How you express your ideas will actually depend on the message that you want to convey. Perhaps, you want to present your products and services as the solution to the problems of your target viewers. Then, you must make use of convincing statements that would eradicate their second thoughts on subscribing to your brand.

Any video advertisement must be engaging enough to catch the full attention of its viewers once it starts to play. If you fail on this one, expect that your masterpiece would not be watched at all. And so, include images and visual effects that are eye-catchy yet relevant to your message. Additionally, use professionally written text and pleasant-sounding audio. Again, they must be relevant to your message.

Broadcast It

Where you post your promotional vids, can affect its viewership. It would be wise to post them in networks like YouTube and Viddler besides embedding them in your business website. These sites already have a great number of followers. They can be key in your endeavor to reach your desired demographic. Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can work for your advantage too. With their billions of members worldwide, getting in touch with your target market would be as easy as pie.

Take time to find ways that can maximize the use of online video advertising and it will be an effective and economical marketing strategy for your brand. If you think you do not have enough skills on this, let a video production company handle everything for you. Their services may cost higher than producing vids on your own. However, you can be assured of the quality they promise. Moreover, they can integrate some SEO tactics that will make ads highly visible over the internet.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   

Effectiveness of Web Video

In an age when the consumer has thousands of options available to them a mere click away, is the traditional website with pages and pages of text obsolete? Embedded video that is instantly eye catching, descriptive, informative and personal is a far more effective selling tool than a protracted written approach. With such a large percentage of consumers researching on the internet prior to making a purchase the title page of a website has to catch and hold their attention instantly or the possible sale will be lost as the costumer moves on to the next site.

Video engages the consumer through both visual and audio senses, a recent study by the University of Western Ontario has shown that if a person reads information on a website they will remember 10% of that information after 72 hours however if that information is provided for them through video that retention goes up to 68%. A huge and easily achievable increase that any company would be foolish not to make the most of.

It is also more direct and unavoidable; if a video is on the front page of a website then the viewers attention will be captured and they will be engaged far more than they would by straight text. Keeping videos short and simple with a clear message that accurately describes your product is one of the most cost effective and successful ways of increasing business growth and securing new customers. When looking at a new website, potential customers will typically only investigate further if their attention is grabbed by something that stands out from the countless other websites out there.

Web video is rapidly becoming the future of selling over the internet, in a day when attention spans are dropping and a world of information can be beamed into your pocket via a smart phone nearly anywhere on the planet, it is critical that you are selling your product in the most effective way possible. Your website needs to be smart phone friendly as this is a rapidly expanding sector with more and more people opting to use their phones to purchase items. If information is not readily available to them via your website on their phone then you could be losing customers. With so much growth in the sector having a video that can be viewed on a smart phone is essential to getting the most out of your website.

Having web videos will also aid in your businesses SEO rankings, where you feature on Google, being on the first page of a possible customers search will greatly increase the chances that they even look at your website and once there the is the possibility of a sale. The personal element involved with making a video for SME's is also vital in the increase of sales, it brings the exchange to a personal level immediately, using the old adage that people sell to people then initiating first contact with a new consumer, face to face before you've met them is an advantage you can have over your competitors.

With a video an individual feels that they have been communicated to on a more personal level, they are therefore more likely to champion your brand. Once this ball so to speak has started rolling then the viral effect can propel your product rapidly. The most successful websites are those which get free marketing form there users such as Facebook and twitter. Millions of links are sent every day referencing this websites promoting them at no cost to them. What could be better than free marketing? And while reaching the levels of Facebook and twitter may be a dream there is no reason why using the same methods and getting internet users to do the leg work for you can't happen. It's easier than you think.

YouTube is one of the fastest growing online communities with over 48 hours of video being uploaded every minute and while a large part of this is music there is a rapidly expanding sector of marketing videos. Don't let your competition get a head start on you when it's so easy to do.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   

Using An Enterprise Video Platform To Advertise Your Business Online

One of the major reasons why people go online is to watch videos. As a result, video hosting and sharing sites are really popular today, with a lot of products and people gaining worldwide popularity from videos of them. This popularity and interest in online streamed videos makes them a very effective marketing tool as well. Something to consider for your online business is using an enterprise video platform to advertise and market your company.

For businesses however, you should use not just any online video hosting site. When it comes to businesses and marketing, high quality videos with fast streaming and reliability is a must, and most public hosting sites just cannot offer this. In order for your online website to have embedded videos that are fast and reliable, it is best to find a high quality enterprise video platform for your webpage.

But why should you choose an enterprise video platform over popular public video sites. There are many reasons why you should not just settle for the popular video sharing and streaming sites available on the net today. Sure they are free, but an enterprise video platform gives you a lot more functionality and advantages which will be very helpful in improving your business, making such a platform much worth the investment.

For starters, you usually get more bandwidth from business oriented platforms. This allows you to use high quality videos with a high-resolution and clear audio without having to worry about slow load times or degrading of your material. This feature should allow your video's viewers to easily enjoy and understand the content, which is crucial to the success of your ad or marketing campaign.

Most public video sharing websites use a flash-based player. While this is fast and reliable, it is not well supported by devices other than your computer. Enterprise video platforms however, give you access to a HTML 5 video player. This player is also fast and stable, and can support a range of video and audio formats. It's biggest advantage is that it is easily supported by many devices, even most smartphones and tablets. This potentially gives you a wider audience for whatever video you are trying to promote.

Another great feature of an enterprise video platform is that you can optimize it for use with your own company's or business' network. Using such a platform, along with a managed network will speed up the delivery of a video from the server to your network and to a consumer's computer or mobile device.

This means that an individual can see the video in a very short time without stuttering or unnecessary buffering. This is crucial, as when it comes to marketing and advertising, every second that a potential client spends watching your material can decide if he or she likes what you are offering or not.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   The Six Steps to Start Making Online Video   

Creative Video Creation Techniques Part 1

These posts will be a series that will discuss various techniques for making creative videos. Most of the methodologies are based on the SIT technique.

Videos are created to be seen. That's why we try and come up with funny, moving, exciting, interesting videos. If your video is not engaging people simply will move onto something else. However, it can take hours of brainstorming and bouncing ideas off of one another to get even a halfway decent idea. Is there an easier way to come up with creative video ideas?

Instead of trying to come up with creative ideas in a bubble, it is often easier to use a framework for what you are trying to do. The framework that will be expanded on today is the "Absurd Alternative".

The first thing you need to do is define your products message. After that, choose a benefit your product brings to the table. Next, figure out alternative ways you could attain that benefit. Finally, choose an alternative that is absurd.

A good example of how this is done is the following campaign by Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff.

Garnier's dandruff shampoo is obviously meant to treat or cure dandruff. Garnier then came up with a list of other ways to "treat" dandruff and came up with having a monkey eating your dandruff would be absurd and funny.

Another example of this Framework is this Tami 4 ad (in Hebrew). Tami 4 is a company that sells water coolers for both homes and businesses. One of the benefits of having the system is that you don't have to lug home a six pack of water. In these ads, you can see they are trying to come up with an absurd alternatives to carrying the water.

They came up with shooting water from a cannon into their house, attaching water to the ceiling of their house so they wouldn't have to lift jugs (This commercial is also meant to set them apart from other water systems that require jugs) and in a 3rd commercial the customer comes up with a "Unmanned Air Vehicle" for lifting the water jugs up to his apartment

As you can see, Tami 4 kept this framework throughout their entire advertising campaign to help drive home their point about the convenience of their system. The beauty of the "absurd alternative" framework is its fairly easy to implement even for low budget videos. Simply figure out what your company does, figure out a silly way to attain the same goal and presto! You are video ready!

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Online Videos Are Important to Your Business

There are numerous reasons to use online videos in your business. Besides the obvious reason that everyone else is doing it, you have to find the answer to why it is important for you to have an online video.

Introduce You to Your Customers Online videos can let viewers see who you are and what you have to offer, whether it is a product or service. They also allow current customers to get to know you better and develop a deeper loyalty to your brand or company.

You can demonstrate your expertise in the services you provide through video. By using client testimonials, you can prove your credibility. If your service addresses a universal issue, you can show how you meet the needs of people who are affected.

Expand Your Customer Base Through the internet, more people can meet you than you will ever reach with other media. You can gain customers from around the world who would never know about your company without the internet.

Online videos can also dispel any false ideas about your company. People may see what you do or what you sell as being designed for a particular type of person, but a video can prove that it fits a wider range. For instance, if you sell a clothing line, people may assume your clothes are for young adults. Through a video, they will see that you have clothes for all age ranges.

Personalize Your Message A video allows you to interact with your customers so that they see a face and not just a name. Even though your video can be seen by thousands of people, it can have an intimate, personal feel.

What people see in a video will last in their minds long after they have stopped watching it. If it was particularly appealing or moving, they will talk to others about it. What you read only uses one sense, whereas a video engages two or more senses, meaning you will retain the information longer.

A video can personalize your company and cause you to be seen as funny, inspiring, reliable, or whatever feeling you want people to have in connection with your product. People buy products or use services based on how they feel about it and a video can help you get that across.

Video puts you on a level playing field with bigger corporations. With television advertising, the companies with the biggest marketing budget have the advantage. They can spend thousands of dollars on a thirty-second spot that will be seen by millions of viewers.

Small businesses can create memorable online videos for a reasonable price. Even amateur videos have seen a million hits because of a unique message or unusual appeal.

Videos can be watched on the computer, the mobile phone, and other mobile devices, which mean they will be seen more often than someone sitting down to watch television or read. Since people fast forward through commercials more often in today's busy world, there are fewer people being influenced by TV ads. There are many reasons to use online videos to promote your business; you have to find the ones that work for you.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   

Video Marketing 101

Small business is flocking to online video as a powerful marketing tool, and with good reason. Online video viewing is skyrocketing, with uber-video juggernaut YouTube leading the way. In fact, both YouTube and Cisco are making the bold prediction that soon 90% of all web traffic will be video. Video marketing is here to stay, so entrepreneurs must lead, follow or get out of the way!

Online video is very effective because it creates a strong, personal connection, helping to increase the "know, like and trust" factor among your prospects and clients. Video can also help you enhance your online visibility and make you stand out in a crowded and competitive environment.

Here are a few video marketing basics to get you on the right track:

What are some of the best ways to get started?

How you approach video depends totally on your overall marketing strategy. Your video marketing plan should be based on your specific goals. With that in mind, some "must haves" include a video for your home page. This "welcome" video should be a short introduction to you and your services for anyone who visits your web site. This is your first impression video, so make it count.

You should also have a version of this video on your "About Me" page. And even though this is your about me video, you should make it about them! In other words, focus on your viewer and let them know what you can do for them and why they should work with you. Keep it short and sweet, and always remember that your web visitor is thinking "WIIFM?" (What's in it for me?)

What other types are effective?

In addition to your "welcome" video, another excellent use of video is a "tips series" based on your particular area of expertise. Create a short series of 1 - 2 minute videos and share your best tips for your niche. Your tips series can be posted on YouTube and on your own website. These videos are great for establishing trust and credibility with your target market.

Since these videos are meant to build credibility, don't make a pitch or an offer just yet. Remember to serve first, sell second. And because you're establishing a personal connection with your viewer, it's usually best to be on camera to deliver your tips. (As opposed to "screencast" videos like PowerPoint or screen captures where you're not on camera).

What types of video content create the most engagement?

With so much video content available online, it's crucial that your videos are engaging and compelling. The best way to break through the clutter is to make sure your video is relevant to your target market. In short, don't be boring!

Whether or not you should be on camera or off camera again depends on your objectives. On camera videos are more personal and are usually best for touting your services or sharing your expertise. Off camera videos like screencasts or instructional videos can be very effective for teaching, product demos or sharing ideas.

What is the best length?

In today's attention-deficit society, the shorter your video, the better. Your video should be no longer than it takes to effectively express your idea or message. As a general rule for promotional videos, 2 minutes or less is best. The exception is for instructional or demo videos, where you may need longer to teach or demonstrate your idea. So get right to the point and get on with it.

What about equipment and editing?

When it comes to video, we tend to get hung up on technology. The truth is all the equipment and technical know-how in the world is useless without a video marketing strategy. A low tech video shot with a $50 webcam that features great content is far more effective than a fancy video that doesn't contain a compelling message. Focus on your content; the technology is less important.

Having said that, you can get started doing video with a simple webcam, or even by using the video feature on your iPhone or mobile device. As for editing, the same "keep it simple" rules apply. If you don't have your own editing program like iMovie, use YouTube's easy video editor to trim the front and back of your video and make it look more spiffy!

How often should I post?

You may see a theme developing here but, once again, how often you post depends on your strategy. Develop a video marketing plan that addresses your goals, whether that's visibility, list-building, driving web traffic or conversions. Plan your videos so that they support those goals.

I use a Video Marketing Editorial Calendar to map out my video activities. You can get a free copy of my Video Editorial Calendar template at This will help you think more strategically about video and make sure your videos are tied to your business objectives.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   Online Video Marketing - What's The Secret To Get Traffic With Video?   

The Challenge And the Future Of The Video SEO

Video SEO is the optimization of video content for maximum search engine traffic and exposure. Your video will appear in video search engines as well as in organic search engines and all the traffic will be pointed to your site.

The aim of the video SEO is to assist the search engines in understanding the video content. You have to tell the search engines what your video is about by adding metadata, due to the fact that the process of optimization is vital to exposure, indexing and good ranking.

SEO is not a hit and run strategy but rather a long term commitment, a never-ending process which need to be constantly checked an updated.

Video search engine optimization may be the next step for marketers and webmasters. For the time being, the growth of online video has been quite explosive. Site like YouTube has reached humongous size and is not a video files repository any more but a real search engine.

The odds to appear on Google first page are greater for a video than for a text based page. The math is simple: as an example, for the keyword "dog training" there are 43,100,000 pages in broad match, for "dog training YouTube" only 1,440,000 pages, a ratio of 1 to 30. On some less competitive keywords the ratio can be 1 to 10,000! Simply speaking, there is much less competition.

Another great advantage of video marketing is the fact that you can take advantage of the blended search strategy. People love to click on the contextual navigation links located at the top of Google screen. It gives a richer searching experience and can direct additional traffic to your website.

For the time being (march 2012), Google seems to favor video posting, if, for a specific keyword, some YouTube clips are available, at least one of them will be shown on first page. However there is no magic formula to get your clip on search engines first pages.

Some of the main concerns of Google are giving the user the best surfing and searching experience and to avoid spam at any price. Like any SEO strategy there are tips, techniques and best practices to follow.

If you are good and experimented SEO geek you are not getting any trouble with SEO videos, because the logic under the hood is quite similar. The reason is that search engine's crawler cannot see inside the video to tell what the content is. It only rely on metadata and on-page factors. SEO experts tend to focus all their optimization on traditional text based pages and neglect somehow video SEO. Here is your chance to fill the gap while Video Optimization is still in its infancy.

Good content and relevancy are the pillars of any optimized web pages, it applies to video too. Provide the user with useful, fresh compelling and informative content. Step-by-step procedures and how-to topics are very popular. Keep it short. As a rule of thumb, less than 5 minutes. The title is crucial, a catchy title is essential to grab the attention of the potential viewer. The title must be like a bait, an appetizer that contain a related key phrase which is relevant to your brand, product or service. Optimize keywords and include them in the title, the tags and the file name. Google will love it especially if it is posted on YouTube. Host your videos on YouTube and always embed them on relevant pages on your website. The number of viewers is a factor of the Google algorithm, so any view of the embedded video is recorded by Google. Then submit your clip to the major video sites like Metacafe, Dailymotion, Viddler, Vimeo to increase exposure and make the video viral. Write a keywords rich description that will give the viewer a maximum of information in a concise format. Put yourself in the body of your target audience and try to find the exact keywords the user would type to find your page. Provide a full transcript of the audio content to increase the accessibility for disabled people and help the search engine understand the content. For every video you produce, build a unique page with all the relevant keywords, tags, file names, title, in-depth description. Use descriptive anchor text for links, never use "click Here", but a user-friendly rather than search-engine-friendly keywords. Choose carefully the thumbnail to help user decide which clip is worthwhile to invest a few minutes of their time (fortunately, it will be yours because your thumbnail will be the most appealing). Create as many quality inbound links as possible to improve your ranking. The ideal link is from a popular site that refers your vid using as anchor text your target keywords. Bookmark your video pages on sites like Facebook, Google+, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit. Add a social bookmarking button on your page.

The future of Video SEO is when search engines will be able to actually read and interpret the video and audio content, a kind of video crawler that will be based on artificial intelligence. Video search engines like Blinkx use advanced analytical methods to try to understand the content, like speech-to-text technology, analysis of the images on-screen and extraction of the embedded information like subtitles and closed captioning. It will be possible then to hyperlink all the video content and jump directly to the scene where the keyword appears and are spoken.

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5 Web Video Production Guidelines

Over the last few years web video has proven itself to be an invaluable tool in the world of online marketing. Web video production has quickly become a necessary staple in any fully developed marketing strategy. To help guide companies as they embark into the marketing world of online videos, here are five guidelines that should be kept in mind in order for these ventures to be as successful as possible.

1. Create a Personal Connection

Perhaps the greatest benefit of web videos is their ability to create a human connection with their audience. This is the company's chance to lend a face and a personality to an otherwise faceless entity in the equally impersonal online arena. Creating this personal, human connection is a fairly simple matter and can be achieved in a number or ways. One method of connecting with the viewer is through the use of a video spokesperson. Another can be through images, scenes, and interviews with the company's employees. However this connection is sought, it must be made if a video is to achieve its full potential.

2. Get the Most for Your Money

Nowadays it does not take a pile of money for companies to invest in web video production. In fact, these investments can be made fairly inexpensively, which is part of the allure of this marketing tactic. While companies may choose to take on these productions on their own, electing to invest in the equipment to produce their own videos, perhaps the safest route to take is in the hiring of a professional video production company. A quality production team can guide the company through each stage of the process form scripting to filming, editing and placement.

3. Creating Video Tutorials

Video tutorials, often referred to as "how-to" videos, are an excellent tool in the online video marketing strategy as they function both to inform or instruct the viewer on the use of the company's products and services, but serves to pitch those products and services at the same time. Also, these video are incredibly easy to make, with the simplest method requiring nothing more than screen recording and an added narration.

4. The Use of Music

One aspect of the video production process which many marketers seem to struggle over, is the decision of whether or not to use music in their videos. The answer is yes. Used correctly, music can help elevate and add character to a video. When choosing what music to use, however, a careful decision must be made, as it is the video's music which will lend the video its overall tone as well as dictate flow and pacing.

5. Where to Place Videos

Once a video has been filmed and edited, it is then time for the marketer to decide where best to place the video online. While there are numerous available options that can be used, there are a couple select placements that must be made no matter what. The first place the company will want to embed the video is in their own website, preferably somewhere that it will be seen right away by the visitor. Also, the company will want to make sure and post all their videos to YouTube where they can be viewed, ranked, and shared, and have the potential to go viral.

Quality web video production is as simple as following these five guidelines and the companies who invest in these new marketing tactics will be seeing a return on investment before they know it.

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Web Video Production Placement Strategies Using YouTube

More and more companies are beginning to realize the true value of investing in web video production. However, where many companies seem to fall short in these ventures is in placing the videos once they have produced them. While a wide variety of placement options exist which can well serve the purpose of spreading information about your business, such as the company's website, Facebook, and other video hosting and social media sites, perhaps the most important move a company can make is in posting their completed web videos to YouTube.

The primary problem here is the way that many view YouTube as nothing more than a site for sharing amusing amateur quality videos of babies and animals doing goofy things, and not as a serious business tool. However, they would be mistaken in this belief, as YouTube, being the second largest search engine on the web, plays host to millions of business videos and has quickly risen to making itself one of the most valuable resources companies can tap into when attempting to spread word about themselves. The real problem here seems to be a lack of understanding about the benefits offered by YouTube as a strategic placement and branding opportunity for companies when placing their web videos.

When setting out a video production strategy, perhaps the most obvious advantage that companies are now zealously striving for with YouTube placement is the ability for their videos to achieve viral status through ranking and sharing. Understandably this represents an immeasurably valuable opportunity for many companies, large and small alike, looking to extend the reach of their marketing strategies in order to tap millions upon millions of viewers in the hopes of extending the growth of their business exponentially. However, as advantageous as these possibilities might be, actually achieving these goals is not as simple as it may seem, but relies heavily on a good deal of luck in the process.

Perhaps what many fail to realize, and which is really the greatest advantage of companies placing their videos on YouTube, is the fact that Google now owns YouTube. As a result of Google's purchase of the video hosting site, Google now preferences YouTube videos in their search results. What this means for organizations seeking to reach the broadest possible audience with their videos is, that through the proper application of SEO keywords and placement on YouTube, their videos are now far more likely to appear on the front page of Google's search results.

It is the effective use of these carefully selected SEO keywords on and around a company's web videos that give them the highest chance of reaching the largest audience no matter where they are on the internet. These techniques however, coupled with the Google/YouTube pairing, increases that possibility of success dramatically. For these methods to be as successful as possible companies will need to place their chosen keywords in the title of their videos, in the video's Meta description, and in any surrounding material in order to achieve the best results. As effective as web video production tactics can be, if companies aren't posting their finished products to YouTube and making use of proper SEO techniques they are leaving a gaping hole in their marketing strategy.

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High Click Through Rates and Web Video

Web videos are a powerful marketing tool used to gain traffic to your website and to also increase conversion. In order to gain the trust of businesses to use video marketing as a way to promote their company and justify them spending the money, you must have a brand-constructing device in place that will allow them to see the returns on their investment. There is potential for large sums of money to go to waste if there is not a carefully implemented plan in place that can produce the desired effects of the web video promotion. Execute a well laid out plan, and you will reduce your chances for losing effectiveness.

Video marketing specialists have come up with a few strategies that will maximize your potential for marketing success. These are:

· Use video as a labeling tool. Web video marketing is measured by contrast to well-timed metrics. This is true to any online ad marketing campaign. Secondary measurements that don't have much of an impact are video "involvement" and click through rates. The measurement that really matters in the end is the responsiveness of the viewer and the intent to purchase.

· Keep the content of your video concise and straight to the point. A greater impression will be left with the viewer if they are shown an exciting video that offers the exact information they need compared to a video that is convoluted and monotonous. The most effective video is one that gives them the information they need while directing them where they need to go.

· Experiment with different types of video implementation and location. Use presentation data in order to maintain a fresh new perspective on your marketing campaign. This will allow you to switch gears from an underperforming video model to a higher performance one. This will refresh your brand awareness.

· The statistics prove that by augmenting your video against your brand awareness metrics, you will be able to increase your brand awareness by 204.9%, and an increase of 75.8% in buying purpose. This results in a 62% increase in everyday sales.

· Ultimately web videos are cheaper to produce those TV commercials. This is because once you upload it to your website or YouTube; you do not have to pay for the slot that it is in.

The above is an example of how web videos are productive and how clicks vs. brand awareness did not impact the success of the promotion. In a recent study it was shown that video advertisements will create a 22% growth and that investment in web video production will increase as much as 17%.

This has only begun to start. It is predicted that brand promoters will invest 70 billion dollars into TV advertising without even knowing if they will get any sort of benefit. There is no reliable way to gauge how many people see a product on TV and then run out to pick it up at the store or order it over the phone.

Web video promotion on the internet is a reliable way to gain the benefits of making a video and then being able to see a legitimate return on your investment.

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Managed Network Services Can Help Improve Your Online Business

The internet is a very profitable platform for you to sell products and services that you offer. With millions of people going online every day, there is a very strong potential for success with your business online. However, without the proper knowledge and tools, you might find difficulty in dealing with your internet based businesses.Variables in online businesses like website load time and speed such as, is very confusing, especially if you have very little technical knowledge in this area and you are also new to the business.

If you are just starting out with your online business venture, you would most likely want to hire a skilled web design team to create your website for you. Along with that service, ideally it would help for you use a high quality and reliable managed network services to make sure that your website runs smooth and glitch free.

There are many advantages to having a great managed network service in place.Unless you have the resources to support and keep up your own website, you will most likely need to outsource this task to a service provider. This means that your business heavily relies on how good a service your chosen provider offers.

With good managed network services, you sure to have a stable and smooth running website. This way all of your pages' content are highly optimized with the servers and computers running them to make sure it is a hassle free experience for anybody who visits your website.

Even if your website has a lot of content that would most likely take up a lot of bandwidth, proper optimization from network managing services will streamline your website. This then makes sure it takes up a lot less bandwidth than before, and will give users a snappy site surfing experience.

It is important to choose a managed network service that can offer an online video platform. One major reason people go to the web is to watch videos, this is why video hosting websites have become so popular. At the same time, videos are some of the best marketing tools available online. Wouldn't it be great if your website had an online video platform as well?

With this platform, your website can have its very own video player embedded into it. Not only that, a video platform will take the burden of encoding the video and looking for a hosting service away from you. You can also have your website's video player customized to suit whatever needs you might have.

Choosing a managed network service that also has a video platform is surely a lot of help for your online business. Not only will you have a fast website, you will also have a video platform where you can add high quality videos to help you advertise your website.

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The Essentials Of Marketing Video Production Today

The indispensable benefits of videos in fishing customers' attention and trust are no longer hidden among entrepreneurs these days. This is primarily one of the reasons why effective marketing video production is sought after far and wide.

Various processes like script writing, actual video creation and post-production chores make up this laborious task. For the end product to be capable of increasing profits to the advantage of your business, its content must be well-researched to begin with. Additional efforts are to be undertaken to ensure that your video gets viewed by your target audience and that the sales message is properly caught by them.

As the cyberspace is already saturated by these promotional films, staying ahead of others may be very challenging. Herewith, bagging the top spots in YouTube and other video sharing websites remains a dream to the unskilled. Here are some ideas on marketing video production that can help you with your advertising endeavors. Take your time to read them and learn which of them can be applied to your own projects.

Before starting with your blue print, observe or study other promotional films for pattern. In fact, it is best for you to check on the nitty-gritty of those belonging to your competition. What do their content say? Take note of how their descriptions and titles are composed. Use their production values as your standard especially if they attract a lot of viewers.

For the advertising component of your videos, you have to make sure that you are employing the right keywords. These will make your promo films easily found online. Google, for one, provides a free tool that you can use for this purpose. On the other hand, there are some software programs that you can purchase to aid you with this task. Place your keywords in the title, description and tags to increase value. If you are not confident about doing these things correctly on your own, consider a video marketing services provider that can handle all the processes for you.

You can always post a trial version of your preferred video sharing websites or your social networking profiles. From the comments that you will get from doing so, make the necessary changes that will lead you to making quality promotional films in the future. In connection to this, effective distribution of your brand films can be best done through major websites like Google Video, Vimeo and YouTube. Publish your URL together with your feedbacks when commenting on articles, blogs and/or other videos related to yours. You can do the same when answering questions posted in your website.

Quality marketing video production is a powerful way to advertise your brand online. It can give your business the professional image that is essential in attracting customers. It can also improve your relationship with your current clients as it somehow solidifies the trust they have in you as they get inform with your product or service updates. Learn how to utilize it and you wouldn't have to spend much on trying other promotional tools.

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Web Videos Advantages for Businesses

With the recent boom in online video as a means of popular entertainment, many organizations are finally beginning to recognize the drastic benefits of web video marketing through YouTube and other video hosting sites. These promotional web videos can take on any number of forms and subject matter, such as endorsing your company's products and services, highlighting new offers, or helping to build your brand through video interviews with company employees and executives. However, despite the message you are trying to convey, or the form in which you are trying to convey it, in order to be successful, a web video must first and foremost be equal parts entertaining and informative. Properly executed, web videos can serve any number of purposes and offer great advantages, such as putting a face to your organization and helping to lend a human touch to your promotional strategies; a quality that is invaluable given the relatively detached nature of the internet. This can give you a radical lead over the competition.

When producing your web videos, there are a few general guidelines that should be kept in mind to help ensure that you produce the most effective possible video content. First thing to consider is length. A number of studies have shown that, given the general internet audience's declining attention span, web videos have perhaps only ten seconds in which to grasp the viewer's attention, and can only manage to hold on to it for an average of roughly two minutes. This means that, in order for your video to be able to successfully convey your message, it must be entertaining, clear, and concise.

Another important factor in drawing in your audience is that your videos must be of a high quality, with a clean and professional look. For most organizations, your best bet would be to hire a professional video production team that know all the ins and outs of the business, can help you through each step of the process, and have all the equipment and software necessary to create your videos. However, while this may be the most ideal option, it is not the only one. While organizations may be able to save money by producing these videos themselves, there is a lot of careful planning and preparation that must go into the production of quality videos, as well as a necessary knowledge of video production that cannot be bought.

So, for any video production undertaking to be successful it must provide helpful and necessary information to the viewer in a high quality and entertaining method that does not lose or wear on the audience's attention. While the results of such a web video campaign can be far-reaching in its benefits, none of this can be achieved without sufficient knowledge, time, and investment being made towards these endeavors. However, done right, your videos will not only draw in viewers, but will have the chance of going viral across social media networks, earning for your organization higher web traffic and productivity than you could have thought possible.

Ways to Make Money Online on YouTube   Your Finest Video Sales Letter Service Review   Website Building - Get Videos To Promote Your Business   Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   

Internet Marketing Videos - A New Way to Communicate

Internet marketing videos have gained huge popularity lately in the marketing industry. With the advent of internet and information technology almost everything is going digital including the marketing ways. Companies have moved on from the old traditional way of marketing through print ads in magazines and newspapers, commercials on television to the internet marketing videos. With all the advantages that marketing videos has to offer, the marketing industry definitely calls for this a drastic change.

Internet marketing videos are contributing a lot in promoting business and marketing products for the large as well as the small companies. Let's analyze the gains of using internet marketing videos for the purpose of marketing:

Good Marketing: The first thing that any client would ask for from any marketing agency is good marketing and internet marketing videos provide all that you desire. With millions of internet users, it definitely has a wider reach. This is the reason why even the big brands are heading towards the videos.

Cost Effective: The next thing a client would love to have is to get the marketing done at a reasonable price. Internet marketing videos can be created at a very affordable price as opposed to the commercials for television. Animated videos are made on computer with the software's which cut the expenses on the actors and shooting. Thus it saves a considerable amount of money of the clients.

Short and concise: The internet marketing videos are although short in length but they are powerful indeed. They get the message across the prospective consumers of the product in a concise and impressive manner.

Spreads Fast: A well made Internet video spreads like a viral and thus it can prove to be highly profitable for the client. It is shared on the video sharing sites and can become popular instantly.

Animated videos can be made on computers with the software and without the involvement of the camera. It can be made at home if you know the skills. However, it is always advisable to approach the video production company and get a video you want for your product. The video production companies that specialize in offering such services to its clients are aware of the latest trends in the market and are more experienced in this field.

A video production company works in a very organized manner. Firstly, it collects the details about the product, writes a good script and then works upon the video. It provides creative animated videos which helps the client to connect with the targeted audience. A video production company offer well crafted videos which keep the audience engaged in it and thus forces them to think about the purpose of the video.

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